【同义词辨析】 2019-06-22 一个直率理智富裕节俭的创作者(5小组一起记)
(1) 直率
straightforward: applies to what is consistently direct and free from deviations or evasiveness: a ~ answer. (deviate绕道,行径可疑, 在2019-06-07 crooked-oblique组) (evasive灵巧躲避的常有贬义,如to evade tax避税, 如evaded the question by changing the subject换话题以躲避问题) (direct直的,这里和straight意思相同表示没有弯曲, 还有一个意思是直接,是指联系紧密implies unbroken connection,如direct relationship/reason/consequence直接关系/原因/后果)
forthright: applies to something that goes straight to the point without swerving or hesitation: a ~ approach. swerve(突然)转向,如the road swerves to the right道路突然右转
aboveboard: describes an action or method that is free of all traces of deception or duplicity: a chief executive who managed to be honest and ~ in all her dealings. (duplicity奸诈两面派双面人的行为applies to someone who is deceitful,来自词根DUP表示二,如复制duplicate一分为二截然对立dichotomy,如he exposed her duplicity他揭穿了她的奸诈)
straightforward直率: 形容说话做事直接,不转弯抹角或躲避,forthright直截了当: 指直接切入问题,不绕弯不迟疑,aboveboard光明磊落: 表示毫无欺瞒奸诈
记忆方法: 1) 直率的意思是诚实不遮掩mean free from all that is dishonest or secretive.
(2) 理智
rational: usually implies the power to make logical inferences and to draw conclusions that enable one to understand things: a ~ being; in applications to things conceived or formulated, it stresses satisfactoriness in terms of reason: engaged in ~ discourse. (logic,reason,infer有先后关系,基础的词是逻辑logic(al)表示有秩序地思考implies orderly thinking, 如an infuriatingly logical mind, utterly devoid of emotion思维有逻辑无情绪;之后是推理reason,表示连续的逻辑思考implies consecutive logical thinking,如reasoned that the murderer must know the victim推理凶手肯定认识被害人;最后是infer是推理出或叫推断,表示的是通过推理得到结果to reach a conclusion or decision by reasoning, 如from that remark, I inferred that they knew each other从那句话我推断出他们认识)
reasonable: emphasizes the possession or use of practical sense, justice, and fairness and the avoidance of needless error: willing to grant any ~ request.
rational理性: 表示能够逻辑推理、得出结论从而理解事情,reasonable合理: 表示正当公平有意义,或表示避免了不必要的错误
记忆方法: 1) 理智的意思是有推理能力或经得起推理mean having or manifesting the power to reason or being in accordance with the dictates of reason. (dictate指示,表示权威的指令implies an authoritative directive,如in matters of love, do as heart dictates关于爱情,任从你心,如have a dictation听写)
(3) 富裕
rich: implies having more than enough to gratify normal needs or desires: one of the ~est nations in the world.
wealthy: stresses the abundant possession of property and intrinsically valuable things: retired from politics a ~ man. (abundant大量implies great and rich supply, 如there is an abundant supply of cheap labour廉价劳动力供应充足,如has surprisingly abundant energy for a woman her age她这个年龄了,精力还很充沛,让人惊奇)
affluent: suggests prosperity and increasing wealth: an ~ society. (prosper繁荣兴盛,表示不断的越来越成功implies a continuing and usually increasing success,如prosper in business生意兴隆,如a prosperous economy经济繁荣)
opulent: suggests lavish expenditure and ostentatious display of great wealth: ~ mansions. (lavish: 1、奢侈=extravagant,rich, 如a lavish banquet奢侈的宴会; 2、慷慨=generous, profuse,如he was lavish with his hospitality他好客无度,如lavish praise溢美之词) (mansion: a large, impressive house大房子,官邸,宅地)
rich富裕: 表示生活宽裕有余,wealthy富有: 强调拥有大量财产和高价物品,affluent富有繁荣: 表示繁荣越发富有,opulent豪华: 表示开销奢侈和展示炫耀财富
记忆方法: 1) 富裕的意思是拥有大量物品财产金钱mean having goods, property, and money in abundance. (goods和commodity的区别,goods是商品物品多指成品things that are produced to be sold,如cheap/expensive goods便宜的/昂贵的商品或物品,commodity是货物货品,多指原材料或初级农产品,如铜和咖啡raw material or primary agricultural product, such as copper or coffee,如iron ore was a valuable commodity忒矿石是有价值的货品)
(4) 节俭
sparing: stresses abstention and restraint: mother was ~ in the use of butter. (abstain有2意思 1、弃权to choose not to use a vote,如in the referendum many people abstained这次公投许多人弃权, 2、戒除或节制,如酒烟to restrain from enjoying something, especially drink, self-denial, 如abstaining from chocolate戒除巧克力或克制不吃巧克力,如his doctor ordered him to abstain from beer and wine他的医生嘱咐他戒酒)
frugal: implies simplicity and temperance and suggests absence of luxury and display: carried on in the ~ tradition of the Yankees. (temperance节制implies deliberate restraint or restriction,如a person of modest, temperate virtues一个谦虚节制的人,富兰克林13美德里第一条是temperance in eating and drinking饮食节制) 谚语frugality is an estate alone节俭本身就是一宗财产
thrifty: stresses good management and industry as well as frugality: the store prospered under his ~ management. (manage经营管理,经营是指操作运作以达到目标implies direct handling, manipulating or maneuvering toward a desired result,如manages the financial affairs of the company管理公司金融事务,来自词根MAN表示hand手manual手册手工的) (industry是富兰克林13美德中第6条,表示勤劳的习惯implies habitual devotion to work,如they are an industrious people by nature他们天性勤劳)
economical: stresses prudent management, lack of wastefulness, and efficient use of resources: trucking remains an ~ means of transport.
sparing节约: 强调节制,frugal节俭: 表示简单节制不豪华不炫耀,thrifty勤俭经营: 表示节俭勤劳会经营,economical经济节省: 表示利用资源有效率、避免浪费
记忆方法: 1) 节俭的意思是使用钱物时细心mean careful in the use of one's money or resources.
(5) 创作者
maker: is likely to imply a close and immediate relationship between the one who makes and the thing that is made and an ensuing responsibility for what is turned out: thought of herself as a ~ of tales. 麻烦制造者trouble maker,这一组只有maker没有原创的意思
creator: stresses a bringing into existence of what the mind conceives and is likely to suggest originality and delving into the unknown: a robot, ultimately destructive of his ~. (conceive构思suggest the forming, or bringing forth and usually developing of an idea, plan, or design,如conceived of a plan to rescue the hostage想出(构思出)一个营救人质的计划) original原创是指"最先的"
author: applies to one who originates something and who is the source of its being and as such wholly responsible for its existence: the ~ of several books.
maker制造者: 表示对产生的东西有直接紧密的关系,因此需要对其负责,creator创造者: 强调原创性的思考,有涉猎未知领域的涵义,author作者: 指原创某物因此应负责的人
记忆方法: 1) 创作者的意思是生产某物的人(首字母大写时均表示上帝)mean one who brings something new into being or existence. (When written with an initial capital letter all three terms are used to designate God or the Supreme Being)